My account been temporarily suspended/muted

If your account has been temporarily suspended or muted, please note our team is investigating the account for evidence (such as exploiting the game, violating the Code of Conduct, cheating, abuse, etc.). You may contact our team with any account related questions describing the topic points below.

The following reasons that would require a suspension fall under these conditions:

  - Violating the game rules such as the (Code of Conduct, Terms of Use, or EULA).
  - Damaging the game's economy (by means of exploiting or by creating an unfair advantage over others).
  - Cheating or found suspicious of using illegal scripts or programs that would tamper with the game.
  - Involved with fraudulent transactions with an Argent Seller, Fraudulent Trades or by other means.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the topics mentioned above, please contact Support for assistance.

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