I was double-charged
Please contact us and provide the following information, depending on the application store you use to play the game:
Google Play
Screenshots of the order receipts of both primary and duplicate payments that have been sent to you by Google Play via e-mail. The screenshots should demonstrate the details of the order, including order number, order date and name of the item. Google Play order numbers can be recognized by their format (GPA.****-****-****-*****, where asterisks stand for digits). You can also find your full payment history on Google Pay website: https://pay.google.com
App Store
Apple payment processing has its own specifics. Frequently, the situation with a duplicate or seeming unauthorized charge is actually caused by belated processing of a pending transaction. If you are here because of a charge you cannot recognize, please note:
- It can take a few days for Apple to charge one of your payment methods and send a receipt. First, please make sure that the charge occurred recently has no tie with a purchase you made a couple of days ago.
- Multiple purchases can also be grouped into one bill once payment processing has been completed. Check the number of products you have in the receipt that has been sent to you by Apple.
You can also look at your purchase history. To access, please follow these steps: Open your device settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View account → Purchase History.
If you still cannot recognize a charge, please don't hesitate to contact us for more details! Submit the following information for your inquiry to be addressed quickly:
1. Screenshots of the receipts of both primary and duplicate payments sent to you by Apple, where payment details are presented.
2. Screenshots of your Apple purchase history demonstrating your orders for the last month (Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View account → Purchase History).
Screenshots of your purchase history on the Market website showcasing the order IDs in question. If one or all your purchases haven't been assigned with an order ID, submit receipts that have been sent to you by the bank or payment system you were using while making those purchases.
Receipts showing all details and identifiers of your payments.
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