I haven't received my in-app purchase
If payment operation is successful, the application store you made your purchase through should send a receipt, confirming the processing is complete and showcasing details of your order. We kindly invite you to contact us for help if you haven't received your purchase yet. Please choose your platform and provide the following information, depending on the application store you use to play the game:
Google Play
Screenshots of the order receipt that has been sent to you by Google Play via e-mail. The screenshots should demonstrate the details of the order, including order number, order date and name of the item. Google Play order numbers can be recognized by their format (GPA.****-****-****-*****, where asterisks stand for digits). You can also find your full payment history on Google Pay website: https://pay.google.com
App Store
1. Screenshots of the receipt of the payment in question that has been sent to you by Apple, where payment details are presented.
2. Screenshots of your Apple purchase history showcasing the payment was successfully processed. To access your purchase history, please follow these steps: Open your device settings → Apple ID → Media & Purchases → View account → Purchase History
You are welcome to reach out to us through the MY.GAMES Market support section.
A receipt showing all details and identifiers of your payment.
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