EU and NA server merger


Since the maintenance performed on 07.07.2021, EU and NA servers are no longer be separate, and players from these servers now have the ability to play together.

In this article, we will be collecting general information about what changes this merge will bring to you, as well as answers to the frequently asked questions.


How will you merge the progress if I have EU and NA characters on the same account?
We introduce a character selection option in the Game Center so that both your characters will keep their progress. If your characters had the same game name on EU and NA, one of them will receive a postfix “_eu” or “_na”. You will keep your initial nickname on a character with a higher rank. If the ranks are the same, the date of creation will be taken into consideration. Characters renamed by the system during the merger will be eligible for a free name change on a special page.

What will happen to the same clan names?
The older clan will keep its name, while the newer one will get the postfixes “_eu” and “_na”. The clan master will be able to change the clan name of an affected clan on a special page.

If I have one character (only on NA), how will it work for me?
Your character with all its progression will be available on the global server.

What will happen to the friend lists I have on both servers?
You will have two different friend lists on each of your characters.

Will I be able to play on the Sao Paolo server with my ex-NA account?
All our regional servers will be available on the global shard. However, the availability of the regional servers in the Game Center will still depend on your ping.

What regional servers will we have?
Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Washington, São Paulo.

Can you actually "merge" my EU and NA accounts into one, i.e. merge the inventories and achievement, leaving only one account?

Can you split my account, and make it so that my ex-EU character has different login information from my ex-NA character?

Still have questions?