Account Suspended/Muted

We do not tolerate offensive or inappropriate behavior in our game, and due to this reason, the account may be muted for the following violations:
   - Insulting any member of the community, employees, or groups of people in-game and externally. 
   - Using language that is crude, offensive, or pornographic in nature.
   - Referring inappropriately to human anatomy or bodily functions.
   - Promoting racial, ethnic, or national hatred.
   - Using a racial, ethnic, or national slur.
   - Alluding to symbols of racial, ethnic, or national hatred.
   - Malicious references to factions and events of major conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. 
Repeated Offenses and Game Rules:
Repeated Code of Conduct or Terms of Use violations will lead to appropriate sanctions on the account. All information and details that pertains to our Code of Conduct can be found hereYou can find more details about our (Terms of Use) here
Should you wish for more clarity or wish to resolve either situation as described above, please contact our Customer Support team.

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