Purchase Made to Wrong Account

Before making a payment, please make sure you’re logged into the account you’d like the items applied to!

Please note: Accounts using the same e-mail address (such as: Facebook, Twitter, or mobile phone) are considered to be separate unique accounts. So if you’ve signed up with both a Facebook account and Email address, each account is considered to be different and cannot be linked together. If you’ve made a purchase on the wrong account, please notify our Customer Support team for help.


You can check the account you used for authorization on the profile page and on the payment page

If you’re in the MY.GAMES Launcher, you can check the email address associated with the logged in account in the top right corner.

Have you made a purchase to the wrong account?

Our team can assist by manually transferring the goods or refunding the purchase to the same payment method used to complete the purchase. However, we ask that the items associated with the payment remain unspent and untouched or it may void our offer to help you.

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