How to cancel Club Pass?

Club Subscription is an auto-renewing monthly subscription. You can cancel it at any time, and current subscription will be active till the end of the paid month. NOTE: the cost of Club pass is withdrawn automatically the DAY PRIOR to the end of the subscription month from your account.


To cancel Club Pass on Android device, do the following:


1) Go to Google Play - Subscriptions

2) Find Tacticool Club Pass Subscription and cancel it.


To cancel Club Pass on iOS device, do the following:


1) Open Settings.
2) Tap on your Apple ID.

3) Tap View Apple ID when the pop-up window appears.

4) Enter your Apple ID password or attach your fingerprint.

5) Tap Subscriptions.

6) Tap the subscription you want to cancel.


Your Club Pass will be active till the end of the paid period and not auto-renewed next month. You can activate Club Pass again any time.