How to subscribe using Steam account

We are glad to announce that we've released a feature that allows Steam players to subscribe to our newsletters.

The subscription allows you to receive special bonuses and offers.

To subscribe, please do the following:

1. Login on the game site with your account by using the corresponding button in the login window.

2. Click on your profile at the top right corner of the site window.

3. Select My Account. You will be redirected to your account page.

4. Scroll down to Manage Mailing Lists section. Enter your e-mail address and submit it.

5. You will receive a letter from us in your mailbox. Please, use the link inside the letter to verify your e-mail. This may give an error "incorrect username". Just ignore it.

6. Go back to your account page ( ) and scroll down to Your Subscriptions section that will appear after the e-mail verification.

7. Select a game from the list, tick subscription options that you like, and press the Subscribe button.

You are now subscribed to our newsletter. This will ensure that you will receive all future offers and bonuses for subscribers.

P.S. Please note that if you've subscribed during the campaign, you won't get rewards for the current sending.