General security recommendations
Verifying your email address with MY.GAMES improves the security of your MY.GAMES account. Once you've verified your email address with MY.GAMES, both your MY.GAMES account password and access to your email account are required in order to make any changes to your MY.GAMES account credentials, such as your password and contact e-mail address. This helps further protect your MY.GAMES account from being stolen by a potential phisher.
Verify your contact email address with MY.GAMES:
- Go to your MY.GAMES Profile settings page and select "Security" tab.
- Click on the "Verify email address" button.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- You should then receive an e-mail message from MY.GAMES support.
- Click the unique link provided in this email message to finish verifying your email address. The web page which then launches will confirm your success.
It is a good idea to maintain the security of your system in the following ways:
Select a Strong Password
A strong password is a necessary first step toward ensuring the security of your account. Your password should meet all the minimum requirements listed below:
- Use at least 8 characters
- Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
- Include, at least, one number within the password.
- Don't use a name, a word that could be found in the dictionary, or a series of letters as it appears on the keyboard ("qwerty" and "12345" are not secure passwords).
Use unique passwords
Make sure you are using a different password for your MY.GAMES account and your contact e-mail address.
If you participate in any gaming forums, make sure that your username and password on these forum sites is different from your MY.GAMES account name and password.
Scan your computer
Regularly scan your computer for viruses, keyloggers, spyware, and other malicious code with a virus scan utility that has the most recent virus definitions.
Avoid insecure computers
Avoid accessing your MY.GAMES account from internet cafés or shared computers—if you must use an internet café or shared computer, make sure it has been scanned for viruses, trojans, and keyloggers.
Always log out of your account on shared machines
If the machine you use to access MY.GAMES has multiple users, be sure to fully exit (log out of) when you are done using the machine (if the "Remember Password" option is checked, another user may be able to access your account).
Due to a recent surge of violators posting links to phishing websites, we want to provide some advice on how to not fall prey to fraudulent activities and lose your progress.
First and foremost: do not open links to any third-party websites advertising gifts or bonuses, and, more importantly, do not use your personal account information on such websites.
You can always recognize our official resources – their addresses always end with the “” domain. Also, in most cases official promo-pages have a pass-through authorization – it means that if you log into your account on the main website of the game, you will not need to put your credentials on the promo-page separately.
When in doubt whether a website or a promo-page is official and can be trusted, you can always contact Support for clarification.
First and foremost: do not open links to any third-party websites advertising gifts or bonuses, and, more importantly, do not use your personal account information on such websites.
You can always recognize our official resources – their addresses always end with the “” domain. Also, in most cases official promo-pages have a pass-through authorization – it means that if you log into your account on the main website of the game, you will not need to put your credentials on the promo-page separately.
When in doubt whether a website or a promo-page is official and can be trusted, you can always contact Support for clarification.
If you believe that you might have already fallen prey to a phishing site by putting in your game account information on such a site, check if you have access to the registration method used to access your account (Steam, Facebook, Phone, e-mail address, etc.), and change the password. If you do, change the password for this registration method as well. Then, change your MY.GAMES account password as soon as possible via this link or restore it with this link (if you do not use Steam, Google, or Facebook authorization method).