Game Crashing/Freezing solutions

For game crashing solutions, please follow these steps to help troubleshoot the issue: 
   1) Restart Armored Warfare;
   2) Power Cycle the Xbox-One;
   3) Uninstall/Reinstall Armored Warfare;
How to restart the game
Restarting the game application should fix most problems (such as game freezing, crash, etc.) please follow these instructions:
   1) Press the Xbox button on your controller to return to the Home screen, and then select Home.
   Note if you cannot return to the Home screen, try restarting your console.
   2) Highlight the game application, then press the Menu button on your controller and quit the game. 
   3) Restart the game to see if the issue persist. 
Restarting the console should fix the following issues (such as game freeze/crashing) and it won’t affect your game or data.
   1) Press and hold the Xbox button on the front of the console for at least 10 seconds.
   2) Unplug the console's power cable and wait for an additional 10 seconds or more.
   3) Plug the power cable back into the device and power the console by pressing the Xbox button on the controller. 
Uninstalling the game application is the last resort but is necessary to help fix client errors or corrupted files that occurred during the download and installation process.