Statistics and Information

This graph will display the relevant data for the past seven days. Throughout this timeframe you’re able to determine the success of the paid messages that have been received. 

My donations.
The ‘My donations” section will store all messages that were received throughout your Stream. The “General Statistics” category will display the total ‘number or amount’ of (messages or funds?) that were collected throughout the duration of each stream. At the “Donations” section you can specific the timeframe of when each message was received and apply filters to specify the name of the viewer’s account (under the “User Name” line). The “Add donation” button allows you to send a test notification to your account. Note: this notification will be marked “Manual” in the messaging list.
Important: the notifications added throughout the site via manually cannot be configured for output use because these messages are required to test the widget’s settings.
You’re welcome to delete messages by clicking the ‘Recycle Bin’ icon. However, please note by doing so you will not be able to recover these messages or any notifications that may have been deleted.

My payouts.
All information pertaining to your account balance and wallet transfers can be found under the “My payouts” section.
Under the Payment History, here you can find all information about posted payments to your wallet. The “Successul” status indicates the payment was deducted from the DonationAlerts balance and sent directly to your wallet. The “Error” status indicates an unsuccessful attempt while paying. Should you encounter any errors while attempting to pay, please note the funds are never deducted from your wallet balance until the transaction is successfully completed. 

If you experience any problems while withdrawing funds from your account, please allow up to 24 hours before trying again. However, if the problem persists after this time has passed, please contact Customer Support for assistance.

To contact Customer Support, click the ‘Help’ tab and proceed to the “Submit a ticket” button. While submitting your inquiry, please describe the problem to help us understand and reproduce the issue. Additionally, please include the name of the account and attach any files (such as screenshots or videos) to help speed up our investigation process. If you need to locate any Support Tickets you’ve created, please refer to the “My Tickets” tab to see the history of your inquiries. 

However, if you’re looking for specific answers to a particular problem, please visit the “Frequent Questions” tab for common questions by other DonationAlert enthusiasts.

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