How do I sign up to DonationAlerts?

The first thing you need to do is follow the web-link and click on the "Join" button.

To sign up to DonationAlerts, you can choose either of these platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, Periscope, Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Smashcast,  Dailymotion or Mixer. Uponsigning in and authorizing the platform for use, the next page will prompt you to select your desired DonationAlerts username to continue.

To connect any other platforms to the DonationAlert system, click on the “General Settings” tab and proceed to the Connections section. Here you can also unbind any of your platforms by clicking the“Disconnect” button.

Note: the first service that was used to register the DonationAlerts account cannot be unbound.

For example: by first registering with a Twitch account, you won’t be able to disconnect or swap the same Twitch account. However, you can reconnect and disconnect any other platforms connected to the DonationAlerts account.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact us!  

While submitting an inquiry, please provide the following information:

  •     The name of your account.
  •     Approximate date and time when the problem occurred.
  •     Screenshot to help demonstrate the problem.

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